Swedish Holstein Association
Råby 2003, 242 92 Hörby, Sweden
- 2023 Sweden Annual Statistics
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- 2021 Sweden Annual Statistics
- 2020 Sweden Annual Statistics
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- 2018 Sweden Annual Statistics
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- 2015 Sweden Annual Statistics
- 2013 Sweden Annual Statistics
- 2012 Sweden Annual Statistics
Tel: 0046-41519505
Mobile: 0046-705481933
JB Holstein Stanley Cup Juni 5th calver
Owner: Jb Holstein
2022 National Champion.

We have around 166 thousand Holstein cows in Sweden and in the Milk Control around 95 % of them, the average is 10,065 kilos of ECM.
Holstein is the biggest breed in Sweden with around 52%
Each year we have around 130 new cows producing more than 100 tons of milk for a life time.
We have been selecting bulls for health components for 30 years, and were among the first to collect cell scores and fertility.
And since about five to seven years back we started collecting data about the hoofs when they were trimming to get information about the hoofs and the diseases there and today we have breeding values for it.
2 years ago the Swedish AI company Svensk Avel merged with Dansire, and became Viking Genetics.
Sweden is a high technology country, we’ve had the company De Laval for several decades now, which is the world leading company of the milking technology. And today with the Voulontary milking robot. In Sweden there are most tied up stalls. But it´s not allowed any more to build new ones.
We also have the world known Interbull centre located north of the capital city Stockholm. Which every one in the breeding business are aware of.
The Swedish Holstein Association
The Swedish Holstein Association has members all over the country and we have 15 clubs under the association. They pay the fee for membership to the association.
We have an elite herd program with around 170 herds and they need to classify at least all first and third calvers.
We have around 45 excellent cows classified every year.
We arrange meetings, shows, travels and young Breeders things and give out a magazine.